About Us

In 2001, the Association of Professional Engineers of Belize (APEB) was formed to support the development of the engineering profession in the country of Belize and assist in the development of national disciplines for the expansion of trade in the engineering sector. The Association of Professional Engineers of Belize (APEB) is a statutory self-regulatory body established through the Registered Professional Engineers Act in Chapter 326:03 of the Laws of Belize, which was last revised in the year 2003.

To ensure the provision of professional engineering services of the highest technical and ethical standards, for the benefit, protection and development of the Belizean Society.

To provide continuous development of an organization that will earn the respect of the community by providing exemplary services, applying the formal training and experience acquired to produce the best possible solution for clients at an affordable cost.


To accept responsibility for actions and decisions made and to deliver on what was promised. As an organization, to honor its legislated and financial obligations. To appraise performance based on meeting objectives within desired timeframes.


To demonstrate respect for staff, volunteers, applicants, registered members, and external stakeholders through fair practices and timely, informative communications. In turn, APEB expects that its regulatory obligations and activities in serving and protecting the public interest will be respected by its stakeholders.


To demonstrate alignment between the Professional Engineers (Registration) Act and its processes and practices, including consistency of its policies and their application to maintain integrity of the Registration.


To operate in a professional manner with its applicants, registered members, and external stakeholders, by demonstrating competence, impartiality, and reliability.

Team Work

To achieve its goals through effective teamwork and collaborative partnerships both within the organization, between its staff and volunteers, and with other bodies involved in the practice of professional engineering.

Our Past Presidents


Mr. Victor Miranda

2007 - 2011 & 2015 - 2020


Mr. Phillip Waight

2004 - 2007


Mr. Guillermo Alamina

2003 - 2004


Mr. Wilfredo Guerrero

2001 - 2003 & 2011 - 2015

Council 2024 - 2026


Jonas Sanchez






Lucien P. Chung

Vice President





Jose M. Divas

Honorary Secretary





Stacey Alpuche






Megan J. Martinez






Norys Rosales





Councilors Code of Conduct

Council expects of itself and its members ethical, business-like and lawful conduct. This includes fiduciary responsibility, proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as Council members or as external representatives of the Association. Council expects its members to treat one another and staff members with respect, cooperation and a willingness to deal openly on all matters.
APEB is committed to ensure that its operations and business will be conducted in an ethical and legal manner. Each participant (volunteer) is expected to be familiar with, and to adhere to, this code as a condition of their involvement in APEB business. Each participant shall conduct PEO business with honesty, integrity, and fairness and in accordance with the applicable laws. The Code of Conduct is intended to provide the terms and/or spirit upon which acceptable/unacceptable conduct is determined and addressed.
Note: APEB volunteers should meet the same obligations and standards regarding conduct when engaged in APEB activities as they are when engaged in business activities as professional engineers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consider the impact you can make by bringing your engineering, work and life experiences, and leadership to weigh in on the policy decisions Council makes to continuously improve regulation of the practice of engineering in an ever-growing Belize.

APEB seeks board members that reflect the diversity of the engineering profession in Belize and who can provide a balanced perspective and a problem-solving attitude to the discussions, and who are knowledgeable about board governance and respect the principles behind professional self-regulation.

You can run by filling out the nomination form once elections are announced and submitting it to the nominating committee by email.

Self-regulation of the engineering profession in Belize is a privilege - not a right.

By voting in the Council elections, you're doing your part to ensure that we, as professional engineers, are in a strong position to continue regulating our own profession to protect public safety and to promote the integrity and importance of professional engineering in Belize.

The Council shall uphold the Professional Engineer Act and respond to the evolving needs of its stakeholders.

    • Functions as the governing body and board of directors of APEB
    • Provides overall direction for the Association and the profession
    • Sets and maintains high standards for the practice of professional engineering
    • Evaluates candidates applying to become professional engineers in Belize
    • Collaborates with government and stakeholders on issues that have impact on the profession or public safety as it pertains to the built environment

  1. As a member of Council, you will:
    • Develop and drive APEB's strategic direction;
    • Discuss and decide which issues are relevant for APEB;
    • Manage and approve APEB's budget;
    • Provide direction on regulatory priorities; and
    • Ensure the responsible use of resources to effectively regulate the practice of engineering

The Council has identified a number of Committees it considers important to the proper implementation of the Engineers' Registration Act, # 16 of 2001. These are listed below with their scope of operations:

Standing Committees

  • Responsible for compliance & regulations, disciplinary actions & prosecution, per Engineers Act Section II, 6 (a).
  • Regulating the ethics, discipline and conduct of its members.
  • Regulating, monitoring and enforcing professional standards.
  • Taking Measures for the Legal Enforcement of the Act.
  • Recommend areas to which the Act should be extended for the safety and benefit of Society.
  • Monitoring public transactions by Government for compliance with anti-corruption and transparency practices.
  • Responsible for setting standards for admission to corporation membership, per Section II, 6 (b), (c) and III, 13, 1.
  • Vetting accreditation of engineering institutions to determine the suitability of their curricula for professional registration of applicants. (See also III, 13 (5).
  • Recommending and approving training and education that should be required for registration and conducting examinations, when necessary, to verify that requirements for Professional Registration have not been met.
  • Promoting continuing development of members.
  • Responsible for admitting or rejecting people seeking membership, based strictly on criteria set forth by the Board of Professional Education, per Section III, 13 (b) & 13 (4).
  • To assign membership grades to applicants and recommend those applicants qualified for professional Registration.
  • To conduct investigations in order to verify information submitted by applicants.

Advisory Committees

  • Responsible for ensuring that the Association’s constitution and by-laws are consistent with the Act, and to recommend changes to the Act whenever seen fit by the Association to meet the needs of the profession, per Section II, 7. To recommend changes to be made to the current by-laws.
  • To monitor the conduct of the Association’s activities to ensure compliance with the Act, the Constitution and By-laws.
  • To develop a calendar of activities showing periodic activities mandated by the above on a yearly basis.
  • Responsible for providing technical advice and assistance to the Government of Belize in developing, publishing and maintaining a comprehensive building code for Belize.
  • Responsible for keeping the engineering, architectural and contracting industry as well as the general public educated on the building code as well as on the best practices and the latest developments in structural and building technology.
  • Responsible for interacting with the Architect’s Association in developing and maintaining the building code.
  • To keep abreast of structural engineering issues and advances of interest in Belize, and to educate engineers, architects and the general public through articles, seminars, etc.
  • To advise the Government of Belize on all structural engineering related issues relevant to Belize.
  • To support contractors’ initiatives to organize themselves and to empower themselves to meet requirements and specifications in contracting.

Task Force Committee

  • This Task Force was created to oversee the National Building Codes Development executed by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing. The Task Force supports the APEB Representative on the Working Group for the consultancy.

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View our Annual Reports

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Our Audited Financial Statement

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Annual General Meeting Minutes